Click to see the short version of the video Butterfly Also Known As: Pec Deck, Pec Deck Fly


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Exercise Data

Type: Strength Main Muscle Worked: Chest Equipment: Machine Mechanics Type: Isolation Level: Beginner Sport: NoForce: Pull
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Main Muscle: Chest
  1. Sit on the machine with your back flat on the pad.
  2. Take hold of the handles. Tip: Your upper arms should be positioned parallel to the floor; adjust the machine accordingly. This will be your starting position.
  3. Push the handles together slowly as you squeeze your chest in the middle. Breathe out during this part of the motion and hold the contraction for a second.
  4. Return back to the starting position slowly as you inhale until your chest muscles are fully stretched.
  5. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
Variations: You can use pulleys or an exercise band to perform this movement. Also, there is a variety of the Pec Deck Machine where you place your forearms on the pad, with the elbow and a 90 degree angle. You then squeeze your elbows together.

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