Dirty White Boy! (MHM-Mental Health Matters!)

What exactly do I mean by the name of this chapter? What I mean is this, when you have no money because you're on social security is frowned and frowned, and let's face it when you are so weak, never take a shower if looks terrible and smell just as bad.

I wonder what is the first thing to do is personal hygiene, why is it that I'm not sure, but it is a fact, from now on the name of Dirty White Boy. Because if it is bad, bad smell and live in the not so great part of town and have to drive over the case, seems literally hell on wheels, you can see how some people do not know that you suffer a disease that could be confused with a period of low life, trailer trash, or even an off-white!

Now do not get me wrong, these biologically unhappy people can not help themselves. I'll try to explain a disease or condition you all, because I have BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), OCPD (disorder obsessive compulsive personality disorder), anxiety disorder ( generalized anxiety disorder) and I disorder (Bi Polar) Now how is it a disease?

I'll explain some of the symptoms of these diseases, and then I think you have a better chance to understand what a human being is my being the case, if a loved one, friend, patient.

BPD - Some of the symptoms of this disease are very serious. The reason I call border because the patient is said to live on the border of reality and make believe. I must admit that this disease is more difficult than I was against and just when I think I cried, let out a furious attack and knocked a few pegs. What are the symptoms of this terrible disease?

You are very compulsive in all or part of the following: - Sexual behavior when in the mood for something your mind tells you to have sex with someone that you can find, you will feel better, guess What made for five minutes, and then all hell brakes loose. You feel dirty in the shower ten times yet you still feel dirty and cheap.

What is strange about this is likely to happen again, even if this behavior is destructive, when a person makes a thing called diaspora who will do anything to get out and I mean literally nothing to be out of this feeling. They call it the animal cage disorder.

Some have a compulsion to spend money and I never, buy anything that moves and will not stop until the dysphoria will, however, are now $ 6,000 in debt, not to mention all checks they wrote.

Want to know how much fun it would rather go to jail for NSF to stay in the dysphoria that is literally the worst feeling in the world is every negative emotion in turn is armed and all wrapped up in one and you feel as if that takes place at a moment suddenly feel is dysphoria and know that if you do not know you're lucky, because you can literally ruin your life and the worst feeling that everyone may feel and live in constant worry that you will return!

If it comes back again and again and leave you helpless for you to make the right decisions. Please know it dsyphoria drugs, it now a few years ago they were hoping it was just tuff it out, so please know that you are coming with more and more miracles drugs against these negative symptoms, so their chances of recovery are improving day by day!

Thinking in black and white - I know this sounds weird, but once you see the reasoning behind the black and white thinking everything will be clear. That someone you love dearly is something to annoy you. A normal reaction would be to go to that person and ask them why they did such a thing and try to solve problems in civil matters.

Not even if they seem too bad and you can only see in black (evil) which is another symptom of BPD. You even hate it expensive and do some pretty stupid things to go back, now let's talk about the white (good)

A friend or loved one that you are buying a gift, you are really touched and now believe that this person can not do evil that are now great and they will do anything for them, anyway you can. Now, it may seem strange to you, it is gray or love (white) or hate (black), you can see how this type of behavior can work with colleagues and ruin a relationship?

Back and fourth, love and hate while ago Love you, and hatred. Tag You're IT. Please know the use of drugs that can be significantly controlled, which is a major breakthrough and helps many couples stay together every day, so do not let the black and white thinking ruining your life!

Love can break all limits, overcome obstacles, to stop and think what it was before your loved one had a biological disaster and then do not leave out the image until the dream becomes reality. Visualize that you and your partner to do the things you want, each being a person that others like and do not forget a winner never coward and a quitter never wins.

Self-injurious behavior - It may seem a little rough and sometimes can be very serious indeed. Now we will try to explain why a person would act to inflict pain on themselves. OK why I would take a knife and cut the wrist or leg, it is because they are in that little word disphoria nasty and when the knife passes through the skin and the beginning of blood flowing everywhere, are so relieved!

Now I feel normal again! When I lived my most difficult times of my BPD, I put the nails in my hands and my feet, at some point, I would really have three to four nails on one hand and the same in a my feet and I can honestly say, I felt normal again. I am so grateful that they have drugs to control this behavior and self-mutilated five years 

Effect Trapped Animal - Say you're in Africa and you're out of the plain and as you walk around a cave see what he thinks camp overnight. Low and behold there is a lioness and her cubs in the cave with you and your team are in front of the exit. Now you can see how the lion mother go crazy and stop at nothing to get her cubs to safety? Well, it's like a borderline person feels at certain times in your life, and I must admit that it will take a decision bone head when you're out and feel the zing spa trapped animal, know this drug is greatly reduced.

What are some of the most common behaviors of ADD and ADHD? One thing for sure is that we have a lot of energy and just go on and sometimes it is even difficult to get a breath! Run here, run there and from this and that and never finish anything.

Batteries Unfinished work around the world and make you absolutely crazy. You interrupted his father when talking to him and that bothers you turn angry with him, as a matter of fact, you always interrupt everyone! When this madness? I have to stop and take a break, I can not sleep

WAIT A mintue! There is hope and I can Adderall changed my life. WAIT A mintue! There is hope and I can Adderall changed my life. Yes, I can focus again. In fact, I can not read something and understand it, I can read Shit, I can not believe I had to read once and remember how it goes and everything and I did not even not watched a hundred times.

So yes, even with ADD and ADHD Now, there is hope in a pill called stimulate, which for someone with the disease to actually act to slow down a bit and allows you to focus. Now, the downside is that people without ADHD using this drug like cocaine and get high a great feeling, they want the feeling to last forever and become addicted to stimulants.

Usually abused young generations and college to stay awake all night to help study for exams and thicker all the time, so this is where the bad news comes. Some dumb kids ruin everything positive that happens to many children and adults. So let's stop the negative stereotypes and get good press and all the positive that these drugs are millions of things.

Now to, obsessive-compulsive disorder OCD. Now, it can be very debilitating and can ruin his life. Some symptoms are excessively checking to make sure that the handle of the door is closed, even if all ready checked a hundred times, a prey to when the end of the madness?

Their are a few that pull your hair and thus, there is not even bald patches all over the head, and not only can not be stopped, they look terrible in the process. Basically, this disease is an anxiety disorder that can not be controlled easily.

Almost always excess in everything you can think of and more. Now I know some people who are millionaires who have this disorder, the drug they are very happy and seem to have the disease under control and they work very well and then there are those who have not responded to treatment as well.

With each passing day more and more drugs out, we hope you've never had before, so hang in there and keep the faith and with a little hard work for you and Drs. Part, it is my belief that we can control much this animal!

Move to the next disease that affects our biological clock in our head we. Have you ever heard of OCD OCPD personality? What exactly is this animal? Let me try to explain this disorder, as I did, and it's a pain in the neck, can literally ruin your life.

Let's see who sees your car, perfect, or the need to be perfect, but in his mind does not seem to get it, just an idea that lurks in the dark and you know that this is the answer "perfect "your problem. What about this idea or that idea?

Everybody says you've done a great job and they all sign their praises, but you know it's far from his best and break and start again, and if someone offers help, they go crazy. There is no way that could even come close to the perfection that must have so kindly told them how they help really thick and away from your plan and you could please stop so that you can return follow perfectly.

I must admit that until today has a little trouble with this disorder. I can never seem to please my car or whatever I do and I do cause great pain, the drug seems to help a little, but I must admit that I feel the need to be perfect in everything I do, but I never can I, my harshest criticism meet.

At least for me I try to use comforting and I made small steps in the direction of writing, with allot of blood, sweat and tears, I have little praise and trust me, if I can start praising me, then there is some light at the end of the tunnel for those who have this disease, so keep your head up and know that if you shoot the moon, if you miss, at least we the did for the stars and it could very well be the step just helps to settle for second best, may actually be perfection to everyone!

Anxiety or General Anxiety Disorder GAD is absolutely terrible and I honestly think that if you have a heart attack, or even worse than losing your mind and your heart beats and beats stronger because it is sweating profusely and you feel as if you lose all common sense that you left!

When you finish that beat anything you want to do is sleep and all that you can, I mean if you sleep you can not have another panic attack. Worst of all is that now lives with the fear that happing again and again. For some, it is in public, the world begins to shrink and you can feel closer to you and you can not breathe and your heart starts beating a little faster and faster until that it is an attack.

Some are terrified of public speaking and again and again all. It's a vicious circle that continues to worsen. It is the issue of the fight against drugs are highly addictive and hard to find a doctor to give them, but if things get worse, it is and this will help tremendously. With drugs you need to practice a little relaxation as much as possible can and try to stay calm in all situations. You may also need treatment because it will help you see what is the cause. I think that three is a great satisfaction with the outcome!

Know that you can share this with someone you feel you can help, and some people who do not even like. This is so good! Please leave intact the footer and make sure the author is given proper credit.

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