Menopause Weight Gain - From Pear to Apple

As we age, our testosterone levels drop causing weight pear our metabolism to start to fall. This often coincides with menopause and the result is weight gain, especially around the abdomen, also known as the middle-aged spread. Approximately 90% of women experience weight gain. On average, women earn ten to fifteen pounds during weight pear the menopausal transition. Women who were once "pear" formed with weight around the hips, thighs and back are now more "apple" shape with weight around the stomach area weight pear. This weight is redistributed to be a problem.

Excess fat around the stomach can have serious medical consequences such as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, arthritis, breast cancer, high cholesterol, kidney disease, resistance insulin and type 2 diabetes.

During menopause, the ovaries produce less estrogen weight pear. The fat cells in the body can produce estrogen if calories are converted into
pear shape weight loss fat to increase estrogen levels. As the fat cells burn more calories than muscle cells weight pear resulting in a gain unwanted weight.

Also during the descent weight pear of the level of pear shape lose weight progesterone menopause causes water retention. Although this is not the actual weight gain that you may feel bloated and your clothes feel a little stronger.

Insulin resistance occurs when the body converts every calorie consumed fat error. The processed and refined foods consumption can make the body resistant to insulin produced in the blood stream.

How to fight against weight weight pear gain

To fight against weight gain during
pear shape weight loss menopause is pear shape lose weight important to eat a balanced diet rich in nutrients, but watch the portion size. As women age experience a 5% decrease in metabolic rate per decade. This means they need 200 fewer calories a day to maintain your weight. Limit your intake of caffeine, nicotine and weight pear alcohol, which can increase water retention.

Also keep a good level of regular weight training and aerobic exercise
pear shape weight loss.

If you experience any excessive weight gain during
pear shape weight loss menopause weight pear, ask your doctor to check your hormone levels and blood sugars.

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